Bera is an Argentinean-Italian eclectic saxophonist based in Switzerland and active in the areas of contemporary creation and cultural management. She obtained her degree in musical arts at the National University of Arts in Buenos Aires and received 1st prize in the first Chamber Music competition of the University. Studying with Arno Bornkamp (Amsterdam, NL), Marie-Bernadette Charrier (Bordeaux, FR), and Pierre-Stéphane Meugé (Lausanne, CH) among other international teachers, she received her Master's degree in Performance and Musical Pedagogy from the Haute École de Musique de Lausanne. She holds a Páleo Hes-So Prize (CH).

She has received the support of Mozarteum (ARG), National Fond of Arts (ARG), Foundation Irène Dénéréaz (CH), Foundation Max Jost (CH), Ibermúsicas (LA) and ProHelvetia (CH), among others.

Bera works as a saxophone teacher in Switzerland since 2016. From 2022 at the École de Musique d’Épalinges and from 2023 at the Conservatory of Morges. She shares her passion for music and education internationaly through master classes,residencies, workshops and conferences in universities, conservatories, and academies such as the Fine Arts University of La Plata (ARG), Conservatory of Buenos Aires (ARG), Córdoba University (ARG), Conservatory of Athens (GR), National University of Ecuador (ECU), National University of Colombia (COL) and University do Rio Grande do Norte (BR).

She regularly collaborates with ensembles and participates in contemporary and classical music festivals such as Delian Academy for New Music (GR), Grachten Festival (NL), Darmstädter Ferienkurse (GE), Modern Centre of Teatro Argentino TaCEC (ARG), Mauricio Kagel Conferences (GE), IGNM Bern (CH), Festival Kuraia (SP), Label Suisse (CH), Bilgi Festival (TR), 113 Collective composers (USA), Callejón del Ruido (MEX), Festival COMA (SP), LUGANO MUSICA (CH) & Círculo Colombiano de música contemporánea (CO). Bera holds a degree in cultural management from the University of Santiago de Compostela (SP). She is the founder, saxophonist, and artistic director of the Awkas ensemble and the IBSUD saxophone quartet specialising in contemporary music. She collaborates with composers, painters, visual & sound artists, dancers, and performers for various interdisciplinary and cultural projects.

She works with the theatre company 2b based in Lausanne and is a member of the Société de Musique Contemporaine as well as the Music Committee from the “Ville de Lausanne”. She is following courses in sound art and researching in the fields of philosophy, critical media and digital humanities, trough the interaction with an augmented instrument.

Working in partnership with composer and engineer Alberto Barberis, they have been presenting audiovisual electroacoustic work Oratorio Virtuale around the world since 2022. They are currently focused on a transmedia critical work to be created in 2025, researching and developing new technologies and connections between algorithms and humans in the present context of augmented humanity.